

“If Hillary can’t satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy America?” - D. Trump Retweet. 
This is a retweet from a man seeking to ascend the highest office in the land of the free and home of the brave. And yet still, this is not the worst he has agreed with by association or utterance. We had all along thought that buffoonery was a preserve of illiterate or absurd third world dictators until Trump happened. His supporters defend him by saying he is just telling the truth that everyone else is afraid to voice but we know that Truth without love is brutality.

America's Genesis 41:30

Fate should have it that every election cycle, after the Democratic Party has put a god sent president in the oval office, the GOP looks among its ranks and selects a quasi-idiot to water down the gains. 

After Bill Clinton's 8 years came Bush's 8. 
After Obama's 8 years, where against all odds he has ensured (almost single handed) that the state of the union remains strong, 

the Republicans are going for the greatest joke the human race has ever produced to seek that office. 

To be fair to them though, this time round the party is on auto-pilot; even the GOP supremos have no idea which cave this fly-by-night gold lover has emerged from. His whole manifesto on how to make America great again is oiled by two elements: Fear and hate. Fear can lead one to do the unthinkable and the American people are at their worst time in as far as fear is concerned. Being the capitalist he is, Trump has capitalized on this single emotion to elicit hate and he is fueling this fire like there's no tomorrow. 
The Bible Belt States just almost handed him the Republican nomination on Super Tuesday and this for a man with no morals whatsoever. Women have been made to fear Muslims and Mexicans to the point that being disrespected on cable TV has become a non-issue to them.

Again, fate should have it that the greatest racist and sexist to have sought public office since Hitler, should seek that office right on the heels of it being vacated by the first African American occupier whose accomplishments and genius the Republican party has purposed to rubbish at every turn. As if that is not absurd enough, his opponent by all intent and purpose will for the first time in American history be a woman.
If the GOP wants to Make America Regret Again (let's face it, the Bush years were a disaster), it couldn't have gone for a worse candidate.

Small Intellect Growing Smaller

On May 19 1860, the New York Herald decried Lincoln’s nomination: “The conduct of the Republican Party in this nomination is a remarkable indication of small intellect, growing smaller.  They pass over … statesmen and able men, and they take up a fourth rate lecturer, who cannot speak good grammar.” 

They couldn’t have been more wrong. Those accustomed to American history know that Abe Lincoln went ahead and become one of the greatest presidents the US will ever have. He was an outsider who against all odds took a stab at the status quo and wrote his name in the annals of history.
2016 and the Republican Party is at it again and this time, the not-so-true-then prophesy by the New York Herald might just be true. Their whole nomination process is turning out to be a remarkable indication of small intellect, growing smaller. They’ve chosen to pass over … statesmen and able men, (and God knows there’s a paucity of these in the Republican Party), and they take up a self-righteous fire breathing shylock who cannot even keep his hair neat.

Divisive, Stupid and Wrong

Unlike in past elections where first world leaders keep off each other’s elections and don’t publicly share their opinion on the candidates because diplomacy dictates that they must work with whoever the people elect, mixed reactions have been voiced concerning Trump. Most of them think he is a time bomb waiting to detonate and they are not afraid to be quoted on that. The British House of Commons took time off their schedule and dedicated a whole session serving the gold maniac a dose of his medicine. Surprisingly, Trump receives accolade from one very unlikely quarter. Russia’s Vladimir Putin thinks Trump is a 'very colourful and talented man'. Is Putin really genuine in his new found sentiments concerning a would be President of the United States who would not think twice about pressing the launch button of a nuclear warhead on a bad hair day? (And for Trump, every day is a bad hair day). Putin knows too well that for Russia to be the eventual winner of the decade’s long cold war, Will Durant’s words must come to pass: A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within, and who best to take America down this path than President Donald Trump!

As surreal as this sounds, the fate of the free world and the world in general might now be resting on the shoulders of one brave woman and she will be depending on the Democratic Party (plus Independents and brave Republicans who can smell bullshit when it’s still light years away) to avert a cataclysmic eventuality. The world has seen its fair share of dictators but none of them have had the privilege of having the launch codes of the greatest arsenal known to man at their bedside drawer. Trump combines oligarchy, kleptocracy and lunarcracy (government of the insane by the insane) in a way only Hitler could and in a world where warfare technology has almost come full circle, we have every reason to be concerned. God help us all if, when worse comes to worst, we shall have to look eastwards to Vladimir Putin to nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope for mankind. 

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