Unless the devil sends me a memo stating that hell has found
another fury different from a woman scorned and Heaven finds a different rage
that has nothing to do with love and hatred, I might be hesitant to cast my net
into the Nyeri waters if what has been making rounds in the media and social
networks is anything to go by.
That woman who decided to make a baseball ball (does that
even sound right? A baseball ball.) anywho, that woman who decided to make a
baseball out of her husband’s head must have had some pretty good reasons for
her actions but why wait till he’s asleep? *Spot the difference *
Ladies, if you are planning to slice your husbands, at least
do it when they are still awake. Preferably when they are getting into the
house otherwise it would be wrong for a man to wake up in the morning dead only
to realize he was macheted by his wife while asleep. And Nyeri men should think
twice before deciding to sell family radios or getting drunk and going home.
All said and done, I feel for mothers with daughters who
subscribe to the Nyeri tongue. It is going to be pretty difficult to market
them *replace market with a word of your choice* to potential suitors after all
the happenings there involving weapons of man destruction. The jokes in social
networks have been both bigotrious (I know ;-) and high-larious at the same
time. But the message amid all that violence should not be lost to us. Men need
to style up and be responsible. No woman (save for psychotic female-canines )

Away from happenings in the land of the third executive,
yesterday was a day dedicated to lovers.

but will go strait to LOVE and LEGEND. That was the theme at Black Diamond’s Karaoke night hosted by the ever lovely Regina Re. The idea was to celebrate love and honour the memory of the one and only Whitney Houston , and honour we did. I’ve always been a fun of WH ever since I knew what romantic music meant *hahaha guys, I know you are now drafting a complaint letter to the Dudemaster asking him to revoke my dude membership* Trust me on this, I was able to hit them Whitney notes semiPerfectly and most importantly without putting my sexual orientation into doubt *yes that disclaimer is imp-ortant sana* Niliweka 'her' where she says 'him' and 'woman' where she says 'man'. It's critical to note here that I would not find myself singing 'I'm every woman' even if under machete point by a Nyeri wife. If you doubt me on this, I’m willing to take beer bets on this any day, I Wanna Dance with Somebody, Greatest Love, One moment in Time, Could I have this kiss forever (duet), name it. Heck on a good day, I can even pull an 'I will Always Love You' with a success margin of 80%. Ok.. Ok.. It’s not like I’m trying to make a case for a Grammy here, I’m I?

Haven’t we all come to know
that there can be miracles when we believe and there is no loving others if you
cannot bring yourself to love you? Just like MJ’s attempt to heal the world,
didn’t she make us believe that the children are our future?

♪ ♫
she's wiser now
she's not the foolish girl you used to know
before divorce
she's stronger now
she's not the foolish girl you used to know
before divorce
she's stronger now
♪ she's learned from her mistakes which way to go ♫
And she should know
she put herself aside to do it bob's way
But now she need to rest in peace
she put herself aside to do it bob's way
But now she need to rest in peace
♪ ♫
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