
hoPELESS hoPE -part 2

This is a story of hope gone awry. The people of Yawezekana are a people who have lived with misfortune for five generations. When finally they get word that their restoration and hope is on the way, they take utmost precaution to ensure all goes well. Joy is a young lady whose dream of becoming a pilot is finally getting realized. Something goes awfully wrong during her first test flight and she finds herself lost in time. She wakes up from a comma to find herself in the midst of people who behave like they have been expecting her all along. She is their hope. When the moment of truth finally comes and Joy disappoints everyone big time, the people of Yawezekana are flabbergasted. They question hope....


Le JAmhuri TRee~~~INjusticeae COrrupta

This is the story of a village vastly blessed...
A village with undying dreams and vision...
One messed up by it's villagers' shortsightedness, greed and the fear of acting...
*Drum Rolls*
This is the story of Jamhuri...........................*More Drum Rolls*........................

...Once upon a time, there was a tree that was planted in the village of Jamhuri. 


CAlling ON ALl DOnkeys

In October 2007, I wrote and published (both on my blog and two local dailies) an article on why Kenya was better of going for a donkey in that year’s general elections REad IT HEre. That was after the ODM party leader had coined the two horse race phrase. We all remember vividly what happened after we decided that the race was between two horses and a mule.
We went the horse way and we’ve been treated to five years of continuous nonstop racing. 


STart WIth THe MAn IN THe MIrror

 “There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man.” - Tolstoy

The clamour for a better leadership in Kenya has never reached such a crescendo in the past. A people pushed to the edge of the cliff are now determined to stand up and say enough is enough. The tide has now turned on those who in the past have dictated to us who the right leaders are for us, who ought to exercise government on us and such like myopic lies that have been fed to us over and over again till they've almost become true to us.
Even as we match on towards cleaning our act at the top, hard questions are inevitable to us as individuals. What makes it so easy for us to accept the status quo? What makes it normal for us to condone abuse of public office without as much as raising a finger? What ails us at personal level and translates to the choices we make at national level.  I sought to explore the man in the mirror hoping I could unearth answers that might finally lead to a change in the individual first…
I'm Gonna Make A Change, For Once In My Life, It's Gonna Feel Real Good, Gonna Make A Difference, Gonna Make It Right . . .

We’ve all been in positions of leadership at some point in our live. How we handled ‘little’ power has a great bearing on how we would be able to manage real power when it is entrusted upon us. Whether it’s


FAke BY THe DOzen

I’m not quite sure whether other citizens say the same about their countries but we Kenyans are of a peculiar nature. We complain about things within our powers to change and yet when we are faced with an opportunity to set matters right, we forget we ever complained and maintain the status quo.  

We castigate others on how they run things but do the same or even worse when given the opportunity to act. We condone poor service
We are peculiar in the kind of relationships we maintain. We chose to remain in abusive relationships for reasons that are beneficial to everyone else but us. We chose to do things for the society’s sake, we chose to do stuff for ‘our



Every 5 year cycle, politicians outdo each other to see who gets to ruin run Kenyans for the next five years. For 49 years without fail, we have entrenched them and validated their desire to disenfranchise us of our pursuit of happiness time and again. 

For once the good Lord of all creations has smiled upon us with a candidate cut from a finer cloth, far above tribal hegemonies and the culture of ‘let’s eat and eat some more still’. Self made, genuine to a fault, a track record to die for and a strong proponent of the people’s potential… but wait a minute…



This is a story of hope gone awry. The people of Yawezekana are a people who have lived with misfortune for five generations. When finally they get word that their restoration and hope is on the way, they take utmost precaution to ensure all goes well. Joy is a young lady whose dream of becoming a pilot is finally getting realized. Something goes awfully wrong during her first test flight and she finds herself lost in time. She wakes up from a comma to find herself in the midst of people who behave like they have been expecting her all along. She is their hope. When the moment of truth finally comes and Joy disappoints everyone big time, the people of Yawezekana are flabbergasted. They question hope....  

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow. --Orison Swett Marden


FRiday, SAturday and GOr the MAhia MAniacs

Friday night was meant to be a three hour rendezvous *don’t Google as yet→→ meet, come together, date, tryst, make contact etc etc.* Thank me later. It of course started with a           BIIIG nonchalant SIIIIGGGGHHHH......

Ok to be honest,

was more like 


BAck IN The DAys: WHen WE WEre BOys

The death of Hon. Michuki has in many ways taken my mind back to the village days. 
Many of us who grew up in pre-independence  Kenya *Ahem* will agree that life then was not a bed of roses. Growing up in the village was nothing short of baptismal by fire and this in a way prepared us for the roles we were to undertake in the young independent Kenya. Personally, the clean up ceremony every Sunday remains the most traumatic event in those days. From my #PenToPaper archives, I’ve fished out a piece that captures the ritual which my mother executed with zeal. Intertwined with the torture and roughness was the greatest love as only a mother can give. I’ve no doubt my fellow village alumni will identify. May the Good Lord Rest His Soul in Eternal Peace... 


LOve, LEgends... ANd THe NYeri WIves AFfair

Unless the devil sends me a memo stating that hell has found another fury different from a woman scorned and Heaven finds a different rage that has nothing to do with love and hatred, I might be hesitant to cast my net into the Nyeri waters if what has been making rounds in the media and social networks is anything to go by.

That woman who decided to make a baseball ball (does that even sound right? A baseball ball.) anywho, that woman who decided to make a baseball out of her husband’s head must have had some pretty good reasons for her actions but why wait till he’s asleep? *Spot the difference


BEfore THe COck CRows

Before the cock crows, this piece will be wrapped up, edited and uploaded on my yet-to-be-deflowered blog. Before the cock crows I’ll have sent the link to my fb/ twitter friends asking for their two cents on this. Before the cock crows, one Feddylicious blogger will have checked to see whether my words were marked. It’s seven in the morning and unless we are talking about the laziest cock east and west of the equator, all the crowing for this morning has been done. The uploading is definitely gon happen today albeit a sliiight delay. And to think my maiden blog post was about procrastinators and those who open blogs only to post once and never be heard again… Siiiiiigghh!!! I’m my own worst enemy. I think I should promise to spend a K on somebody every week this blog goes without a new post. That way, I will learn to put my money where my mouth is *trust me. I’m a kiu… eee Kenyan.*


MIke CHeck TEsting TEsting.........................

Shame on you if you’ve never taken a minute or two to thank your deity for the invention of the blogosphere. 
 Shame on you if you are in the category of those who start a blog, post a very appealing first post, leave your would be followers waiting by the edge of their seats for your next post then you just drop dead and disappear from cyberspace. Shame on you if you hide under the cover of anonymity and post uncalled for hateful comments just because you can (you should get a hobby or something). 
Shame on me for lacking manners (this is not a way to start a maiden post on ones blog. #ShiftDelete.) Let’s pick that from the start again.